An Education Expert to assist with:

Joanie's Book Is Now Available:
Creating An Award Winning School

Dr. Walker has over 35 years of experience as an educator and 21 years as a secondary school administrator. She is the only two-time Ohio High School Principal of the Year.

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Dr. Joanie Walker can help your student get back on track.

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As soon as possible.

I have years of experience doing just that. What's a good time for a phone call so we can discuss your options?

Can you help?

My child got in trouble at school today and they might get suspended... I'm worried...

Ask yourself...
does my student...
...need to develop study and organizational skills?
...need help scheduling and college planning?
...need support services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan?
...have a school discipline issue that may include detentions, suspensions or expulsion?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, contact Dr. Joanie Walker for assistance.
Dr. Joanie Walker
Since 2016, Dr. Walker has served as a Professor of Practice for an Ohio Urban University. In her role as Professor of Practice, she serves as an instructor and advisor for Master’s and Doctorate students in school administration. She is also a member of the Ohio Principal Preparation Program Committee.
Dr. Joanie Walker is an experienced high school principal and teacher with over 35 years of experience working with adolescents, families, and teachers in the field of secondary education and she is the only two-time Ohio Principal of The Year. She specializes in serving as an educational advocate for students and parents. Her work with thousands of students and parents has supported her belief that all students can succeed provided they are surrounded by caring adults and appropriate programs.

"The best part of the role as assistant principal was the daily contact with the students. I enjoyed supervising sports and activities by getting to see the students perform outside of the classroom."
Dr. Joanie walker